Sorry for such an incredible lack of posting (one whole month, I think). I actually had a bunch of posts done early in the month, but then my computer's power supply died. Then, I was incredibly busy for the next few weeks and just didn't put posting on the top of my priority list. But, I will get back into the swing of things. Plus, I had an awesome Halloween and am eager to post up some photos and strips soon (I have to wait on the photos from our friends). I promise, more posts to come tomorrow and I will be back to a more regular posting schedule from now on. (I am also running low on inking supplies and need to make a trip to the art store). If you managed to stick with me, thanks a bunch! I will continue the postings ^_^
Just happy to have you back! :D
- Sofia
Thanks so much! Nice to know I haven't lost all my readers ^_^
dude way to be awol even through wurstfest
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