For those of you who don't know, we went as The Monarch and his henchmen from the cartoon The Venture Brothers (photo). Seth was henchman number 21 (and we really did have a light saber that we bought downtown on Halloween night) and I was a random henchman. Our friend Chris was The Monarch (because he was the only one with the proper build, and he did an awesome job getting into character). Ryan was henchman number 24, and had his voice down perfectly. And Robert was another henchman, but due to time constraints, he didn't get any wings. The only costumes I didn't make were the women. Amanda (Chris's girlfriend) was Dr. Girlfriend. And Jennifer (Ryan's wife) was Triana. Needless to say we had a great time. And you may be able to find photos of us online because we had to pose about a thousand times on 6th street in Austin. All the hard work of sewing was well worth it!
That's incredible.
Thanks! I plan on posting photos once our friends get us some copies.
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