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I ended up eating some fresh strawberries.
It's always hard to fall asleep when you know exactly how little sleep you'll get before you have to wake up.

ade about 50 little pork dumplings with an "aromatic" dipping sauce, Sichuan-style. Delicious! You can see a picture of them on my flickr site.
Got "Professor Layton and the curious village" for the Nintendo DS last night. We played all day today. And, despite having the occasional irritating puzzle, it has been great fun! Plus the design is really good.
It seemed like all could be fixed in my sewing machine by ordering a new part. But, as I found out today, that didn't fix things.
I've only had blood taken once before that I can remember, and that was around when I was eleven. It kind of startled me, but it was really no big deal. Although, I had to fill a whole vial, but apparently it took longer than usual to do so.
Since nothing much happened today, I decided to post a sketch I did. This is a character in a comic I hope to begin drawing. It's based in an Edwardian-styled world, so I will get to have lots of fun with costume.
It really was.
Loki managed to find a nest of baby ticks and we have been removing about three each night for a week. And this is after a bath, and an application of flea/tick repellent. I finally went out and bought a whole bunch of anti-tick products including shampoo, repellent, and spray (for her bed). Hopefully we can finally get rid of them all. Sheesh!
The Bolognese sauce was the iffy factor, it had a strange aftertaste (broccoli I like). I still ate it all, but it wasn't very enjoyable.
My sewing machine would often develop an annoying problem in the bobbin-holding device. Usually, I would take the bobbin device out of the machine and just put it back in place and everything would be back to normal. But today, no matter what I did, things never got better. Tomorrow I am going to take it to a repair shop and see how expensive it is to fix. Grr...
I made this bacon and garlic chive stir-fry today. Unfortunately, the only bacon I had in the house happened to be Maple-flavored bacon. I've already been very disappointed with the maple bacon (it doesn't taste very good, the maple flavoring is far too powerful and very "fake") but as I bought it from Costco and had about a pound of it in the freezer I decided to risk it. I actually boiled the bacon first to try to remove some of the maple flavoring, but it didn't work and the stir-fry wasn't as good as it should be.
Then, I've been using up some old Jello boxes in the pantry and discovered that I had accidentally bought some sugar-free raspberry Jello. It may only have 5 calories a serving, but it isn't very tasty.
And, I finished Uglies by Scott Westerfeld. I had a hard time with the nomenclature of the book (Ugly Town, littlies, New Pretties - although I do like Crumblies, hehe) and some of the science fiction at the beginning. But after getting into the book, I actually really enjoyed it. It's similar to the People of Sparks with its ideas of history and starting anew. And, like The City of Ember, it ended in basically a cliffhanger. Although, even more so in Uglies - I have to read the next in the series.
Made donuts at home today. The dough was nice and airy, but needed to be a little sweeter. Good, but not worth the effort. I had to let the dough rise three times! Krispy Kremes taste just as good and require less effort.
After seeing it over and over, it was no where to be found when I actually needed it.