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Worked on this today. It's a submission for Young American Comics. They gave a list of sound effects, and you had to create a comic that used every sound effect, in order, with no added sounds or dialogue. It was pretty fun.
I get movies through the mail from Blockbuster, and recently they decided to reduce the movie rental options while increasing the monthly cost. Anyway, I called to complain about the fact that they hadn't sent me my proper amount of rentals and everything was cleared up with three additional rentals given to placate me. My dad is also a customer and he called just to complain about the fact that they screwed all their original customers with the new price changes, and he got three free months of rentals!!! Aargh!
There was no sound for half an hour. However, I did enjoy the second half hour and am looking forward to the next episode. Perhaps The CW will have things worked out by that time.
I used to really enjoy Heroes in the beginning. But now they just have way too many characters to bother with.
Played Puerto Rico with four players this time. A quicker, more regulated game. I didn't win.
Apparently the power supply for our computer died. I had to wait for my husband to go see what was wrong with the computer, and we've been so busy this weekend that it wasn't until today that he managed to fix it. So...I didn't get to post anything since Thursday.
We played wtih five players, which can cause certain people to be unable to sell goods and receive money. Seth happened to be to my right, which meant that every time I optioned to sell goods (be trader) he was left out in the cold. I, however, benefited greatly.
Who can forget the wedding scene from Beetlejuice? Excellent movie.
Loki doesn't like baths. I normally give her baths outside, but as there are far too many grass clippings in the lawn I used the tub. This allowed her to look particularly pathetic, as well as unbearably cute.
Whenever a snowball fight occurs, I'm the one who gets hit in the face. Always.
Nothing much happened today, so here's a quick sketch.
Loki got her annual shots today.
We've played this game enough to determine that it is far too random to truly enjoy. But, putting that aside, I finally won!
Our friend has approved of his comic persona.
I'm obsessed with Guitar Hero again.
Apparently, there was one unprotected fire alarm left. You only need one. All the students and teachers were forced to stand outside in an incredibly heavy downpour until the school was declared safe. Then, there was Open House for the teachers that evening, some of which had no opportunity to redress. Overall, it sounded like an exciting, though frustrating, day.
Also, I'm doing a simultaneous post with edubbabler who amazingly has discovered my website and asked to do a collaborative post. Edubbabler is a teacher who likes to blog about education, check it out!
The instant I opened the door the moth flew in and hovered on my cheek until I brushed it away and slammed the door shut. And, since I've already established myself as a wimp, I have yet to recheck whether there are any packages on the doorstep. Ugh, I hate moths.